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ASUG is America's Official SAP user group of 130,000+ technology executives & professionals! We believe in leveraging  the power of Collective Learning and Peer-to-Peer engagement to help SAP professionals achieve career success - together!

Join a vibrant SAP power-user community & level-up your SAP skills with proprietary research, live events, webinars and peer-driven learning from ASUG. Take the first step to making the most of your SAP career.

Make more possible with SAP — Become an ASUG member today! Fill out this form to get started with an ASUG Membership kit. 


We help people and organizations get the most value from their investment in SAP technologies



An ASUG membership gives you the means to develop a valuable base of professional peers and SAP power-users who can help you solve present challenges, inspire you to see beyond the day-to-day, and set your sights on new horizons. You'll also have access to hands-on training and proprietary insights you just won't find anywhere else in addition to a myriad of live events. Come be a part of our community! 

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